Have YOU wanted your website to be MOLTONY CERTIFIED???!!! I BET YOU DID!!! here's hw to add they MOLTONY CERTIFIED banner
to your WebSIte!
Here' how to add MOLTONY CERTIFIED to you're MarkDow document (like guthib writeme.MD)) COPY PASTE THIS
If You have a REa l website, then you need this!!!::::: (COPY PASTE)
<a href="https://iammoltony.github.io/banner.htm"><img src="https://iammoltony.github.io/cert/moltony_certified.jpg"></a>
i dont wan t certified i want moltony UNcertified
firsy of all WHY AR YOU SO GENIUS second of all YES we HAVE moltony UN certified
Here' how to add MOLTONY unCERTIFIED to you're MarkDow document (like guthib writeme.MD)) COPY PASTE THIS
If You have a REa l website, then you need this!!!::::: (COPY PASTE)
<a href="https://iammoltony.github.io/banner.htm"><img src="https://iammoltony.github.io/cert/moltony_UNcertified.jpg"></a>